Damilola Jerugba

Software Developer

I am a software developer with a bachelor's degree in Engineering. I mostly write typescriptTypescript, pythonPython, and golangGo. I have a proven track record of building scalable applications at both startups and large tech companies.
Damilola Jerugba in Native wear
Through my writing, I share my experiences and knowledge as a developer. one of my article on React was awarded as the best article of the week on Dev.to. You can read my articles on my blog.
I am the Co-founder and CTO of Jetron Ticket, We handle the ticketing system for events, both online and offline for event planners across West Africa.
As a freelance developer / consultant, I have worked on personal projects and with clients from small businesses, celebrities to big companies. Some of my works are listed below, for more information, checkout projects.

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Recent Blogs

ASCII Image Renderer 🖼️

Created on 2nd July 2024

Mastering Passwordless Auth: How I Overcame Security Challenges

Created on 18th May 2024

Create infinite auto-scroll animation with pure CSS

Created on 29th March 2022


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